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朝阳Magnesia-carbon brick

朝阳Magnesia-carbon brick
Detailed introduction:

Magnesia-carbon brick is a kind of unburned composite refractory which is made of high melting point basic oxide magnesium oxide (melting point 2800 ° c) and high melting point carbon material which is difficult to be soaked by slag as raw materials, with various non-oxide additives and carbon binder. Magnesia-carbon brick is mainly used for converter. Lining of AC electric arc furnace, DC electric arc furnace, slag line of ladle, etc.

As a kind of composite refractory, magnesia-carbon brick effectively utilizes the strong slag erosion resistance of magnesia, and the high thermal conductivity and thermal expansion of carbon, which compensates for the biggest defect of poor flaking resistance of magnesia.

Its main features include:

1. Good high temperature resistance

2. Strong slag resistance

3. Good thermal shock resistance

4. High temperature becomes low



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About Us

Yingkou Xinhuafeng Magnesium Products Co., Ltd. is engaged in large-crystal fused magnesia, high-purity magnesia, and electrical-grade magnesium oxide. Welcome to inquire!

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Contact Info




Jin Feng




Jin Bing


Guantun Town, Dashiqiao City, Yingkou City, Liaoning Province
