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梧州Electrical-grade magnesium oxide powder

梧州Electrical-grade magnesium oxide powder
Detailed introduction:

Electrical-grade magnesium oxide, as an application in electric heating appliances, has special requirements in many kinds of fused magnesium oxide. It includes chemical properties, particle shape, particle size distribution, crystal shape, etc. Since electrical grade magnesium oxide is directly related to the service temperature and service life of electric heating tubes, it is necessary to select electrical grade magnesium oxide powder with different properties and grades according to the manufacturing process of electric heating tubes

Due to the different particle sizes of magnesia after processing and screening, if a certain amount of proportion is used, it has the following advantages

1. It can improve the powder density: reduce the work of the electric anode, thus improving the service life of the electric heating element;

2. It can overcome the "screening effect" and improve the utilization rate of MgO powder.



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About Us

Yingkou Xinhuafeng Magnesium Products Co., Ltd. is engaged in large-crystal fused magnesia, high-purity magnesia, and electrical-grade magnesium oxide. Welcome to inquire!

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Contact Info




Jin Feng




Jin Bing


Guantun Town, Dashiqiao City, Yingkou City, Liaoning Province
