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甘孜Forsterite sand

甘孜Forsterite sand
Detailed introduction:

Olivine sand is made of pure peridotite through calcination, mechanical processing and screening.

For brass, bronze, aluminum and magnesium is a new special molding material.

Features: (1) Good thermal conductivity. The thermal expansion is slow and uniform, without sand inclusion.

(2) There is no free sio, no harm of silica sand, no Co gas generated during casting, and the production environment is good.

(3) High fire resistance (1710), strong corrosion resistance to metal oxides, effective prevention of chemical and mechanical adhesion of castings, good surface measurement and accurate size of castings, high qualification rate

(4) High recovery rate. Because of its high melting point and stable chemical properties, magnesium olive sand has a lot of corrosion resistance to iron oxide and alkaline slag. It is easy to recover and can reduce production costs.



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Yingkou Xinhuafeng Magnesium Products Co., Ltd. is engaged in large-crystal fused magnesia, high-purity magnesia, and electrical-grade magnesium oxide. Welcome to inquire!

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Contact Info




Jin Feng




Jin Bing


Guantun Town, Dashiqiao City, Yingkou City, Liaoning Province
